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L Is For Laughter #DecodingMidlife


Laughter– The action or sound of laughing.

My friends used to tell me, I make funny head movements while I laugh and that makes them laugh even more. I would get conscious about that initially, but then would feel, ‘What the heck! I should just be my natural self and should be proud that I can make people laugh!’

Most of the times I always wear a smile. But the past few days have been stressful for me.  So, yesterday evening when I went to drop my daughter to her class, her coach observed that I am in some deep thought and not my usual self. It was so obvious that he asked me if everything was alright. I immediately laughed it off, but yes, I had been stressed and it showed.

Generally, women in 40’s seem to have a frown more than a smile. Maybe because we, women shoulder many responsibilities. And most of the times, something would be playing on our minds.

Just recently, I have started watching funny videos every day before bedtime. I know, ideally, I should keep away the gadget 30 minutes prior to bedtime but watching these videos just makes me crack up and release the stress accumulated during the day.

Laughter is known to reduce stress and even assist with depression and anxiety. When we laugh, endorphin is released. This then helps you to feel good all over. I have observed that I sleep really well on the days I have watched funny videos or the reruns of my favourite sitcom ‘Friends’.

So, in order to not always depend on the phone for my daily dose of laughter, I have decided to read more funny books. I haven’t read many authors in this genre before so it would be great if anyone reading this post could help me with some recommendations. I have read few P.G. Woodhouse books during my schooling years and that’s about it.

 Also, I like to watch the stand -up comedy videos and now plan to attend one gig every month instead of going to watch a movie. Live performances are much more entertaining. And it would be a treat to be a part of the audience and experience fun first hand.

I guess these will help me to keep away the frown and maintain the smile on my face in my midlife. And I will not be ‘the grumpy aunt’ everyone despises.

There can’t be any other quote to conclude my post today. As they say,

“Laughter is the best medicine.”