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How Motherhood Has Changed Me For The Better!


Motherhood changed me a lot. Here is my story.

Young girls love playing the mom part when they are involved in imaginary play. They tend to their dolls by feeding them, putting them to sleep, cooking for them. I often wondered what it is about motherhood that attracts girls from a very young age.

Maybe God gifted us an innate motherly instinct. We want to be the nurturer, the caregiver. Until the time I became a mother, I believed that these are the only facets of being a mom.

But motherhood changed me. I was the caregiver, the nurturer but these 8 years of motherhood have made me realise that my daughter has helped me bring many positive changes within me, help me understand myself better and there is certainly much more to motherhood.

When Pooja approached me to be a part of this blog train and write on ‘How Motherhood has Changed Me’ I was very excited to share my journey with amazing 41 blogger moms. I was also keen to know about their motherhood stories. It is a great way to bond with mommies from around the world and understand the transition a woman goes through after motherhood.

Motherhood does bring physical changes and many emotional changes in a woman but for me, the most significant ones are the ones which changed me completely as a person.

I became an extrovert person

I was very shy as a child, also during adulthood for quite some time until I became a mother. It was always difficult for me to approach people and speak with them. But after my daughter started school, and that was a time when we moved to Mumbai from our hometown; I needed to interact with other moms and familiarise myself with the new city and neighbourhood. I couldn’t keep feeling shy and not speak to others if I wanted my daughter to settle easily to the new surroundings. So that was a very significant change that motherhood brought in me. I let go of my inhibitions for the first time and have made many close friends in these 5 years.

 Take rejections in my stride and look at failures as opportunities for improvement

Don’t we always want our children to be fearless and face challenges head on? We need to set an example for them. I realised I need to learn to face rejections and pick myself up whenever I face failure in anything that I do. Be it in the day to day tasks or in my profession as a blogger/writer. I know she is always watching me and learning from me. Before motherhood, I would easily lose hope and feel unaccomplished many times but after motherhood, I am completely a different person.

Most significant change – A Purpose in Life

Motherhood got me to blog about my journey. I have always been writing but I never shared my thoughts with anyone. I had kept a lot within myself. Blogging gave me that outlet. I started sharing my parenting stories and shared my doubts with other parents on various parenting platforms. Here I didn’t have the fear of being judged. I could just write my heart out. Slowly in this past two years, I took the plunge to start my own website. My daughter has a huge role to play in this very important change in my life. Blogging and my website About Parent And Kid have given a purpose to my life. I became a mother second time around. Now I have something to look forward to daily when I wake up.


Today when I write, she watches me engrossed in something which I love and enjoy doing. She reads my blogs, looks for where I have mentioned here, what am I writing about her. She writes for my blog too; Stories On Honesty By A 8 Year Old, Kids Never Cease To Amaze Me! and it was the happiest moment for me in my life; to have her as a companion in my journey. Motherhood gave me my soul mate-my daughter and my blog. And that is how it has changed my life.

How has motherhood changed yours? Do share with us.

Hop on this blog train hosted by Pooja Kawatra of Mums & Babies with other 41 amazing moms who have come together to share their journey on ‘How Motherhood Has Changed Me 

Next on the blog train is Richa who blogs at All That’s Mom. Earlier labels like software engineer, daughter, wife, artist don’t appeal to her! The only tag which she loves having is “MOM”. When she is not attached to her laptop you will find her spending time with her little one. Alongside work and trying to keep her adventurous toddler alive she has a strong passion for travel, photography, cooking healthy meals and keeping her toddler busy.  All that mom was started after her little one was born.

Hop onto her blog All That’s Mom to read about her adventurous motherhood journey.


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