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14 Frequently Asked Questions On Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)-Answered Here.

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome

Did you know that nearly 35% of women suffer from Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)?

When a woman’s hormonal balance is disturbed she suffers from issues like weight gain, acne, hair loss or even excessive hair growth and infertility. She may also be easily prone to insulin resistance and diabetes. Many times, women de -prioritise their personal health while tending to the needs of the family. Women tend to ignore the symptoms and might be vulnerable to suffering from PCOS.

Due to the advent of technology, many times we turn to the internet to look for answers to our health issues. However, it is highly likely that we might not get relevant information.

Today we have with us an expert, Ayurvedic physician at Nirogam – Dr Greeshma Nair who has answers to the burning questions on PCOS.

About Dr Greeshma Nair

Dr Greeshma is an Ayurvedic consultant at Nirogam, who believes and adapts a holistic way of living. Ayurveda, according to her is not merely a science, but lifestyle too. Her approach towards diagnosis and treatment is based on the root cause of a disease and gives a three-dimensional solution to a condition that includes Ahaar (diet), Vihaar(lifestyle) and Aushadhi(medicines). Being an Ayurvisharada title winner and having completed her studies in South India, She adopts Kerala’s traditional Ayurveda practices and treatment protocols which made her efficiently give a holistic solution to diseases like GERD, arthritis, gout, IBS and menstrual disorders.

About Nirogam

Nirogam started as a personal quest for our founder and CEO, Puneet Aggarwal. At Nirogam, we believe in helping people first find the underlying cause of the ailment or the health problem.  After that, we identify the right regime and therapy in Ayurveda or other natural systems of medicine.  Our mission is to help people embrace a natural, holistic, and healthy lifestyle.

Interview with Dr Greeshma

This commonly denoted term PCOS refers to the Polycystic Ovarian syndrome.  The name itself is self- explanatory. Syndrome refers to a group of a disorder.  Not just one symptom but a group of symptoms occurring at the same time that represents a particular disorder, here due to the presence of multiple ovarian cysts.

There is not one factor that directly causes PCOS. Below are the probable causes as derived from various research strategies on PCOS:

  1. Genetic reasons – some studies state that PCOS can run in the families.
  2. Insulin resistance – the inability of the body to utilize insulin properly
  3. Obesity /overweight leading to inflammation
  4. Unhealthy diet/lifestyle practices. Unhealthy diet also includes consumption of GMO vegetables, fruits, dairy and meat apart from junk food and soda. Skipping a meal is also one of the reasons leading to insulin resistance and PCOS.
  5. Stress leading to hormonal imbalances.

This is like asking, is Cancer avoidable? Since there are various aetiologies, we can try to avoid to a certain extent.

Yes, women should be tested for PCOS as she starts observing the following symptoms:

  1. An absence of regular menstrual cycles for about 3 months
  2. The growth of unwanted facial and body hair
  3. Unexplained weight gain/difficulty to lose weight even after diet and exercise
  4. Unexplained tiredness and mood swings

Every girl should be taught the important practices organic eating, exercising or practising yoga on a regular basis even during adolescence.

PCOS affects fertility in two ways:

1. With PCOS the cycles become anovulatory. So, the ovum is not released at all. This leads to infertility.

2. Hyperandrogenism also leads to anovulatory cycles. Presence of excessive male hormones does not allow the ovaries to ovulate regularly.

Yes, a low Glycemic, but nutritious non-GMO diet is essential for regulating PCOS.

Weight gain is due to the following reasons:

  1. Lowered metabolism – PCOS is a kind of inflammation that leads to a low metabolic rate. Weight gain happens when a woman consumes same or more calories with a dull metabolism. The body will not be able to metabolise the calories taken and hence the excess is stored as fat. PCOS patient should eat 300- 400 calories lesser than healthy women of the same age.
  2. An increase in androgens leads to fat storage, especially in the lower abdominal area.
  3. Women with PCOS often feel lethargic and exhausted that prevents them from taking efforts to burn calories.

Yes, there are as mentioned earlier.

In clinical practice, we see that PCOS resurfaces once again when the person deviates out of her healthy lifestyle practices or when the person is under stress.

PCOS is diagnosed as early as puberty and can affect women of reproductive age.

Intake of Vitamin D helps as it works more like a hormone in the body and its deficiency leading to stress and PCOS. Similarly, any deficiency detected should be corrected with supplements.

Yes, there are several herbs and treatment protocols for treating PCOS. Nirogam has come up with PCOS kit for PCOS cure. There are several other herbal formulations that are of great help.

It is to be noted that Yoga does help a lot. Nirogam has published a blog on how Yoga helps to cure PCOS and the exercises that have to be practised: Yoga for PCOS. Surya Namaskar is of great help. HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training) is also helpful for PCOS cure.

I would like to thank Dr Greeshma for her advice. I am sure many of the queries regarding PCOS should have been answered now.

You can further refer to Nirogam website for relevant and reliable information for your health concerns. I would also recommend women who suffer from PCOS to check a free 12-week online course offered by Nirogam at

Take care of your health. And do remember: Only if you prioritise your health you can care for your family’s well being.

Disclaimer: This is a sponsored post. Opinions are of the doctor based on the questions posed by few of my friends who suffer from PCOS.