Zest – Great enthusiasm and energy
Generally, we feel enthusiastic at the beginning of any task that we take up. There is the excitement of the newness and the energy to put in our best efforts to be successful. When we complete the task, there is either contentment of satisfactory completion or disappointment if we were unable to justify our expectations.
So, while I began the journey of decoding midlife which is looming over me, I was looking for answers to the unknown. In the process, I learnt a lot about the middle years and contradictory to popular beliefs about midlife, I instead started looking forward to my 40’s.
And you might ask, why is that?
I feel that once you are in your 40’s you don’t care much about others but it’s just about you. You want to be just you.
So, while searching and decoding I found my Ambition, I set goals for my life ahead.
Now I want to look forward to all these years with zest and zeal. I want to do things that make me happy. I want to be the best of myself.
How will I do that?
- I will read and write more and more.
- I will exercise to keep my body fit. I do not want the hormonal changes to overpower my mind.
- I want to practice mindfulness.
- I want to try new things. Explore new places.
Zesty people look forward to challenges, they are fearless. They do not worry about failures. I want to be that kind of person. My daughter is at that age where she will be watching me more, I want to be zesty for her. I want to show her the real way to live life.
And that’s with zest.
That’s it for me now for the series Decoding Midlife.
This is the last chapter of the series and writing on Midlife has been one of the most memorable experiences in my blogging journey until now. I hope to write more in the coming years. I hope to write more meaningful content. I want to write words which not only resonate with people but touch their hearts. I want to make my blog an interactive platform which can hold meaningful conversations. And lastly, I want my readers to feel enthusiastic about accepting change with open minds and have the zeal to outdo oneself on reading my posts on Decoding Midlife.
“True happiness comes from the joy of deeds well done, the zest of creating things new.”
- Antoine de Saint Exupery