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D Is For Dark Chocolates

dark chocolates

D Is For Dark Chocolates

I love chocolates and I have an anecdote about my love for chocolates which I would like to share. It was when I was a teenage girl that my father had just started travelling abroad for work. So, both of us were pretty excited about this new phase in our lives. During one such visit to Europe, he got 11 kgs of chocolate. Can you guess how many days I took to finish those chocolates? 

Don’t be surprised and I am not exaggerating at all, but I finished almost 7 kgs of chocolates in 10 days. Such is my love for chocolates. And the joy I feel after eating it is so much that today’s post had to be about chocolates. 

When I share my personal stories on my blog, I am always honest and so I will tell you that I have had many cavities filled up and have had 3 root canals done until now. I have also had a major tooth surgery done wherein I have got 2 of my wisdom tooth removed. I had stayed an entire day at the hospital because I was given general anaesthesia. Don’t get me wrong, I am not saying that it’s ok to eat chocolates at the cost of ruining your teeth. I am just trying to reiterate that I love chocolates and it’s very difficult for me to go without eating them. I only enjoy eating chocolate desserts and chocolate flavoured ice cream. Recently during my trip to Coorg, when I was asked for a feedback from the chef of the hotel about the cooking, my only complain was that there wasn’t a chocolate flavoured dessert everyday on their menu. 

Eating a piece of chocolate elevates my mood instantly. Since a couple of years after I imbibed a healthier lifestyle, I have transitioned to eating dark chocolates from milk chocolates. Now, I only like chocolates with cocoa content of 50% and above. My favourite type of dark chocolate is the one with 70% and above and I can easily eat dark chocolates with cocoa content above 90%. 

There are many health benefits of eating dark chocolates. When I couldn’t give up on chocolates, I did my research and got to know that dark chocolates are not only good for the heart but also alleviates stress. It lowers the risk of diabetes as well, and since I have a family history of diabetic patients, I took this information on eating dark chocolates very seriously. 

I now know the reason of feeling happy after I eat a chocolate. It does not only tastes good but makes you happy. Studies show that eating dark chocolates works chemically to improve your mood. 

Isn’t this a good reason to devour chocolates! But please brush your teeth, I wouldn’t want you to go through the pain of root canals like me. 

I am participating in #BlogchatterA2Z . 

To Read what else gives my joy click on :

A Is For A Game Of Badminton

B Is For Breathing

C Is For Create