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E Is For Exercise


E is For Exercise

What else? I had to write about the daily joy I get after I exercise. It rejuvenates me like no other activity ever does. I try not to miss a day of exercise. On my rest days I try and walk at least one km after every meal. It keeps me happy. If I snap at my husband or daughter, they ask me to go for a walk or do a 10 minute quick workout. It’s so obvious after all these years, it instantly alleviates my mood and I am back to my cheerful self.

Same time around the last year, I was not in the best of my health. Suddenly, my very active lifestyle became slow due to the lockdown. I wasn’t feeling too happy with the online training and gave up my gym membership. Later I realised that it was not that I was not enjoying the online workout, rather it was difficult for me to watch my favourite gym trainers and gym buddies online and not workout with them in person. I have always made beautiful memories and lovely friends at any gym that I have joined over the past 20 years. So this aspect was very important to me. My daughter was also feeling the same as she was missing her swim training.

We started playing badminton and that got me back into the groove. I consciously made an effort to get active. Thanks to Anchal, a dear blogger friend, I got to know about various fitness You-Tube channels. She insisted that I check out Heather Robertson’s channel and it has become my favourite. I joined her 12 week workout challenge, got a nutrition plan from my cousin and within 10 weeks time, I was back to my active self pre lockdown era.   

Again we are seeing a surge in covid cases and if your gym has closed down or you are apprehensive to go to the gym of if you are looking for online training videos do check out her channel here, and start your exercise regime. Take my word you won’t be disappointed. 

Finishing Heather’s 12 week workout challenge got me back to my pre lockdown healthy weight but more importantly it felt as an achievement and that gave me immense joy. Now, I follow her monthly workout calendar and I look forward to that morning 30 minutes of my day. It’s early morning time so it’s peaceful and it’s my time in solitude. I enjoy every moment of it. I am smiling at the end of the session, there is a different kind of glow on my face. I love to look myself in the mirror after I exercise. I enjoy taking my post workout selfies. Starting the day on a happy note, keeps me motivated and energetic.  

You could also check out my post on Top 10 Quick Exercises You Can Do At Home

So, what are you waiting for? Exercise and attract happiness.

I am participating in #BlogchatterA2Z . 

To read what else gives my joy click on :

A Is For A Game Of Badminton

B Is For Breathing

C Is For Create

D Is For Dark Chocolates