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J Is For Join A Course

Join a course

J Is For Join A Course

In the last one year, I was observing that I was falling into a pattern wherein at one time I would question my capabilities and at other times was confident about myself. Even after finishing a task with satisfaction, the feeling of self doubt would creep into me. 

When I decided to start my career counselling practice as well, I wasn’t sure if I was going to be able to manage my other responsibilities along with focusing on building my business. I didn’t want to feel exhausted at the end of the day but feel content with the time and energy I have put in accomplishing the tasks for the day. 

Also, EduCareer Guide is not only my business venture, but much more than that. When I finished my certification, I didn’t look at it as my purpose of life but the more I put my efforts into it the more I realised that it was becoming that. I just didn’t want to counsel students rather I wanted to become their mentor with whom they could openly discuss their innermost desires and aspirations about their future. I wanted to become an integral part of their journey. 

I knew I would make mistakes and falter as well but I was also sure that I had to utilise my time productively and not procrastinate. I knew I can’t do it all myself and so I needed to plan well. I needed to ask for help and also divide my time accordingly during the day so that I can do justice to all my responsibilities. But such lingering thoughts kept me confused.  

I knew I had to find a balance and needed some guidance on it. I don’t know if this was an indication from the Universe that an ad popped up on maybe Facebook (I am sure which platform) wherein you were supposed to take a 5-minute self-assessment and get a custom report based on your unique balance score. This would help to me discover where I am across 6 important areas of my life and what I will need to focus on to create a more successful 2021. 

I was intrigued. I took the quiz which led me to attend a workshop by founders of ‘School Of Understanding Life’, Shayamal Vallabhjee and Siddharth Anantharam. And was I blown away. Attending the workshop, made me even more sure that there were some things in my life which needed immediate attention if I wanted to make my venture a success. So, I joined their 21 day course on ‘In Pursuit Of Balance’ in the month of March. 

Joining this course has been one of the most enriching experiences of my life. Each day few videos and the tasks for the day would be uploaded at exactly 5:30 A M. Within a couple of days, I developed a habit of waking up at 5:30 A M, login and complete the task for the day. We were explained the importance of breath work. The course has been designed in such a way, that within a week of joining it, I knew that I am never going to procrastinate, fear the future or doubt myself again. 

At the end of the first week, we had an online call with the participants of the course and Shyamal started it with practicing breath work and affirmations. And I cried. All my inhibitions, doubts and fears just came out through those tears. I had a feeling that I have found myself. During the interactions, most of the participants shared how joining the course had brought so much of focus and joy to their lives. 

I learnt during this 21 day journey that each one has their own timeline to follow. We need to focus on our own self, accept ourselves first, understand our own feelings well to bring a change within ourselves. 

I can go on and on about the course, but that is not why I wrote this post. I just wanted to share about the happiness that I found in discovering my self through this course. And thought using the prompt for today was the best way to share my joy with all of you. So, here it is J for Join a course. I hope if you are looking for answers you also find a course help you get those. 

I am participating in #BlogchatterA2Z . 

To read what else gives my joy click on :

A Is For A Game Of Badminton

B Is For Breathing

C Is For Create

D Is For Dark Chocolates

E Is For Exercise

F Is For Female Friendships

G Is For Gazing At The Night Sky

H Is For Heart To Heart Chat

I Is For Ideas That Bring Joy In Everyday Life