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X Is For X-Factor #Decoding Midlife


X-factor – A noteworthy special talent or quality.

No one wants to be around grumpy people. And midlife can make you grumpy and sad. So, what to do?

There are only two options. Either you can be grumpy or you can get over that grumpiness and show your X- Factor.

What is X-factor?

You can shape your midlife years to be vibrant. People who are always smiling and find joy in every moment are ones having that special quality according to me. They are the ones who have the X-factor.

My X- Factor.

For me X- factor is my uniqueness and Willingness to perform to the best of my abilities. I never was an achiever or a hard worker. However, after the age of 35, something sparked inside me and I wanted to strive hard. I wanted to show the world that I can be an achiever too. I believe that is my X-Factor. I could have just sat and lamented over the situation but I got up and that I believe is my X-Factor. My newly found self-confidence is what I feel is my special quality. One which makes me Unique. I am still exploring myself, my strengths and looking for new passions. Maybe in a few years, I have found out something new about myself and then that will be my X-Factor.

What is your X- Factor?

Everyone has a special ability and talent. One just needs to look for it within themselves. There are ways to find it.

How to get your X-factor?

  1. Find your abilities:

When I was feeling distraught a few years back, I started writing. Sharing my stories and being appreciated by like-minded moms gave me the confidence to keep writing and look for my abilities. I believed I found my passion.

  1. Work on your passion:

Just finding out about your abilities and not doing anything about it is not going to get you anywhere. You need to work on your passions. I started writing about parenting as that was all I was doing at that stage of my life but after a couple of years. I got more joy by writing so I worked on my passion. I started writing on diverse topics. While I am making mistakes yet I am enjoying my learning curve. I am pleased with myself as I am working on my passion.

Here is an excellent article on how to find your X Factor

 Do share your thoughts on finding the X-factor and do share yours too.

To sum it up, here’s my quote :

“Dream big & Follow your dreams to manifest your X-Factor.”