
How Important Is It To Apply Makeup?

I am minimalistic when it comes to makeup and beauty products. I have never fancied putting up makeup during my childhood days like young girls. My daughter who is only nine years old loves to try out my lipstick and creams but I never applied to make up even during my teenage. The first time I applied make up was for a college dance performance and I looked like a ghost with too much foundation and powder. After that experience, my make- up would be a lipstick and an eyeliner. I would go to my friend to help me put on the eyeliner. Till date my hand shivers when I try and put the eye-liner so now I have ditched the eye-liner and just apply a kajal. So that’s me when it comes to makeup and my beauty regime.

I like a simple natural look and do not like to look made up or artificial. But after I turned 35 my skin started showing signs of ageing. I am constantly battling with under eye dark circles and pigmentation issues. People comment that though you spend so much time on physical fitness and work on your body, you do not put the same efforts for your skin and hair. Though I tend to ignore such remarks, it does make me conscious of how I look. And people like to give unwanted advice. I am sure their intention is not to put me down and it is in my best interests that they share tips on ways to take care of my skin yet such comments do make one lose self- confidence. Having said that, I cannot get myself to spend those 15 minutes daily for a beauty regime which needs me to spend time on applying potato juice on my face and onion juice in my hair. I admit that I am lazy when I have to try out all the natural tips to look after my skin. For me, it is easier to just order a cream and apply it. So that’s what I have been doing the past one month now.

Though I do not spend time during the mornings I have been quite regular in my night skincare routine. I have stopped using a soap for my face and use a face wash followed by a regular exfoliation routine. I apply the anti- ageing serum and anti- ageing cream before sleeping. Again, I know these products have chemicals but this is in itself one big conscious change I have incorporated in myself and intend to stay regular with it. So, it’s a new beginning for me and let’s see how committed I can stay to it in the future.

And what about makeup? Yes, there is an addition there as well. A concealer to hide the patches and dark circles but hopefully, that should reduce too.

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Everyone loves praises so looking forward to those coming my way soon.

What’s your beauty mantra? Have you felt conscious while your skin shows signs of ageing? Do share how you deal with it.

This post is part of Blog Anniversary Celebrations – Thoughts By Geethica Turns 2, co-hosted by Slim Expectations and sponsored by AngTatva

8 thoughts on “How Important Is It To Apply Makeup?”

  1. Hey Aesha, I like you as you are. I also don’t apply a lot of make up. A kajal is a must as it instantly glows my eyes and face. Though applying face packs and natural juices are tiring to me but maintaining certain steps for your skin is important. It is good that you started a routine. You may try Ang-tatva products also. I am using it for my hair and they are helpful.
    Thank you for participating in the blog anniversary celebration.

  2. You have very good skin, Aesha. Homemade scrubs/facials help. I don’t have a good skin, prone to acne. So I am very hesitant to put on make up. My only make up is lipstick and kajal, and I feel confident in it. I think it suits me. Of late, I use homemade ubtans and scrubs on my skin.

  3. I’m also a no make-up person & loves the natural look. Although now market is flooded with natural ayurvedic products which I get allured to buy but then the laziness creeps in. Skin care is more important than make-up for sure.

  4. Quite like you I never thought much about makeup. However I find myself converting just a little bit now – a dash of lip colour and some liner is as far as I go. I have to admit I did toy with the idea of trying on some foundation for a formal dinner once too. That said I do try to stick to a night care routine – just a good wash and some night cream. I find it makes me feel good.

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