
Why I’ll Be A Mom Who Says Yes [A Lot More!] Often

It’s natural to say ‘No’ to your child often, because you are worried for her health. But is there a way to be a Yes Mom? Find out!

Few days back I had the opportunity to attend an enriching panel discussion on how to be a #yesmom organised by Cipla at the launch of their product ActivKids Immuno boosters. I was attending the event as a representative of Women’s Web.

To find out more and read my article on Why I wish to be a ‘Yes Mom’ click on the link below on Women’s Web:

Becoming a Yes Mom

Disclaimer: This is a sponsored post. All thoughts , opinions and experiences are of my own and not influenced by the developing company, and/or its affiliates in any way.

40 thoughts on “Why I’ll Be A Mom Who Says Yes [A Lot More!] Often”

  1. Sharvari Paivaidya Mehan

    Parenting is very challenging. To say yes in a way that the child understands the importance of what is right and wrong without upsetting the child is very important

  2. I have read this post couple of days back and since then have been trying to say Yes to my kid as many times as i can. It is difficult and challenging but not impossible. I loved this approach.

    1. Thanks for reading. It’s important that we have positive communication with the child. There are times when we have to say No too. However effective communication is the key.

    1. It is more about maintaining a balance and communicating a non-negotiable ‘No’ in a positive manner . We can’t say yes for everything if it concerns matters of discipline and conduct

    1. I guess everyone takes time, and we need to be firm when it comes to discipline and conduct/behaviour. In such situations communication is the key.

  3. I have also realised that I used to be a no mom for every other thing. But now I am trying to be a yes mom and the results are truly satisfying.

    1. True. I guess when it comes to discipline there would be times we have to say No. it’s more about however communicate with the child

  4. I completely agree with your post, being a bad cop is so very easy as saying a No to keep our child safe looks like the easiest way to deal. But saying Yes to everything in a smart way can strengthen the bond and will make the child more independent by letting them take their own decisions. Cipla has done a great job by this initiative, I always try to give options to my son wherein I find saying No can have the adverse effects. I am definitely a #YesMom

  5. Oh it’s not easy but certainly a Yes Mom would positively effect a child’s growth- I agree!
    Great post!

  6. I am also a Yes mom and strongly believe in positive behaviour and reinforcement. Parenting can be challenging but when your heart and head is in the right place, it doesn’t matter

  7. Totally agreed with everything you described. Parenting is definitely challenging but the reward is pure love.

  8. Parenting is quite challenging and requires us to be creative at all times. I don’t like to say No to my son too. I try my best to come up with creative ways of making him aware of certain things. Its a challenging task and exhausting too, but positive outcomes keep me motivated to try harder.

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