
Are you Worried And Anxious All The Time?

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A couple of days back, I shared a post on  aeshas_musings on Instagram about anxiety issues that women face. I received many messages by women sharing the turmoil that they go through in their daily life but are apprehensive about sharing it openly. Few even shared that this is a topic which needs to be addressed, spoken about freely and more often.

That’s the reason I wanted to write a detailed blog post on it and discuss it here on the blog as well.

Most women go through a feeling of sadness for no particular reason. They have trouble sleeping. They also experience breathlessness. Many constantly worry about the future and over think. These are described as symptoms of Anxiety disorder by mental health experts.

I also go through times when I feel unsure about my future and get anxious. However due to regular exercise and a proper sleep pattern I am able to dodge these feelings.

Identify your anxiety:

Understand that this is normal. Anyone can experience anxiety. Identify it and understand that it cannot harm you. You just need to defeat the negative thoughts. Suddenly you might start trembling or sweating, this happens if you get anxious. Be rest assured that this is temporary and will pass.

Journal it:

I do this whenever I feel sad and low. I write down all that is going on in my mind and take it out. Write down about things, situations that make you anxious. This will pump up your spirits and you will be able to face difficult situations. Take it up as a challenge to defeat such thoughts.


Whenever faced with anxiety or fear of the unknown take a moment and breathe. Be calm. Think about it and when you are relaxed you will be able to address your anxieties in a better way. Meditation and Pranayam can help. Also, you can take help of technology. My Apple watch has an app which reminds me to calm myself and breathe every day for a few minutes. This really helps. There are various apps on phone as well.

Exercise regularly:

Choose any exercise that suits your energy levels. Choose an exercise which you can easily start. Make small achievable fitness goals. Dedicate 10 or 15 minutes daily to exercise if you have time constraints. This will get you into a habit to exercise. Gradually increase the intensity of workout and time you dedicate to your physical well-being. This is will keep you away from anxiety.

Eat balanced food:

We need to embrace all the negative and sad moments. We should accept that life throws challenges and learn to embrace them rather than looking for comfort from food. Generally, when we are going through feelings of loneliness, sadness and anxiety we tend to pick up caffeinated drinks, alcoholic drinks. Avoid this; because these will only increase anxiety. Even we are tempted to eat food that is high in sugar. Do not depend on unhealthy food habits for reducing anxiety. Rather get your Vitamin B12 and D3 levels checked. Low levels of these essential vitamins lead to anxiety disorders. And plan your meals properly which includes food with all the necessary nutrients. Eat at regular intervals.

Get enough sleep:

Keep every gadget away from you half an hour before you sleep for undisturbed sleep. Read or listen to soothing music for half an hour before sleeping.

Make a gratitude jar:

Remove negative thoughts and focus on what matters more. Make a gratitude jar or gratitude journal. Whenever you feel low, re-read all notes made for the gratitude jar, it will cheer you up and will help remove negative thoughts.


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Anyone who is reading this and facing anxiety related issues; please learn to relax. Every symptom of an anxiety disorder can be managed. You just need to make a few lifestyle changes. If still, the problem persists, visit a therapist. Talk about it and take guidance.

Do share your experiences and any method that you employ to keep anxiety at bay.

With all these positive thoughts, enjoy life and have a great Weekend!

This post is a part of Momology blog train hosted by Thoughts by Geethica, SlimexpectationsMummasaurus and Truly Yours Roma sponsored by FirstCry Intellikit, Instacuppa, Diet Funda, Hugs n tugs, Tina Basu, Unorthodoxpeeps, Lotus Herbals baby and Shumee toys.

Read my other posts in #momology series My Parenting Mantras for Pre-Teens

Feeling Exhausted, Mommy? Three Ways In Which I Energize Myself

You can read my fellow blogger Upasana’s blog – Life Through My Bioscope & Aamna- Being Amna’s blog on the #momology series as well.


5 thoughts on “Are you Worried And Anxious All The Time?”

  1. This is the problem every mother faces at some point of time but seldom do they realise. Thanks for participating in momology blog train contest.

  2. Pingback: Time Saving Hacks for Busy Moms - Being Amna

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