
For The Love Of Autumn!

Rohini looked forward to Autumn, unlike others who wait for Spring. It was that time of the year again.

Today she had reached earlier than the usual time of the meeting. Sitting on the log, she waited for Rahul to come.

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It has been 10 years today. She happily marvelled, how quickly time has flown! It felt as if it was just yesterday when she had got lost in the same woods and Rahul had held her hand through it. He had never let off her hand since that day.

Reminiscing the beautiful years she spent with Rahul, she thought about how so much had changed in her life. Now she was a mother to two children, they had many responsibilities. Life wasn’t as carefree as it was earlier, yet their love had stood the test of time.

Maybe because they celebrated every moment here, sat together on the same log, visited the same place every year to renew their vows to hold each other’s hand in their journey of love.

Author’s Note: I missed writing on the prompt in the stipulated time of the linky for Anshu & Priya’s #TellTaleThursday linky on their blogs. However, today suddenly after days of not writing, creative juices started flowing and I chose to write on the prompt. Do share your thoughts on this one and you can also check the previous stories I wrote for the linky here:

A Tale Of Despair And Hope!

In A Long Unceasing Quest Of Life!

#TellTaleThursday with Anshu & Priya

5 thoughts on “For The Love Of Autumn!”

  1. Pingback: A Dream Christmas! - Aesha's Musings

  2. How romantic! I love their annual tradition of visiting the place and renewing the vows. That’s the stuff a beautiful love story is made of. I love the mush 🙂
    Loved the story, Aesha. Keep writing.

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