Did you know that weak muscles lead to loss of strength and reduction in natural immunity of the body?
We have been reading a lot and there have been many conversations around reduction in immunity and loss of strength due to various factors. But did you know that weak muscles can lead to loss of strength and immunity?
In my personal experience, as soon as I was around 35 years of age, I started to feel tired during the day time while doing regular daily chores. I would get tired after climbing stairs and also after my regular yoga practice I would feel exhausted.
First signs of muscle loss
My yoga trainer pointed out that my body was going through changes and this happens to most people once they are in their late 30’s. Until the age of 30, the muscles grow larger and stronger. But once you turn 30, at some point, the muscle mass starts to decrease. If you are active the loss will be less but according to one research, an inactive person might lose about 3% to 5% muscle mass each decade after the age of 30.
Strength training
So, while I continued with my yoga practice, I was suggested to include strength training 3 days during the week. Using weights and resistance bands during exercise improved my muscle strength. Recently, I tried the muscle age test and I was happy with the results because this meant that I caught the signs of muscle loss early. I took up the opportunity to plan my workout routine which in turn made my body stronger in my 40’s now.
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Right nutrition
While I have to thank my yoga and gym trainers to have planned a perfect 6-day workout regimen for me to make my transition from 30’s to the 40’s extremely smooth; I have to mention that it was also a complete nutrition plan suggested by an expert which played an equally important role in prevention of age-related muscle loss. Until this time, I believed that I can eat whatever I want and I was fit, my nutritionist introduced me to a few lifestyle changes.
Loss of muscle and reduction of immunity
There is a direct co-relation between loss of muscle and reduction of natural immunity. My daily activities were affected not only because I was feeling more exhausted but I was also experiencing frequent sinus attacks. So, while poor muscle health led to loss of strength, my body’s immune response was getting weak as well.
I realized that along with a well-balanced nutrition plan, I would require some supplement drink to enhance the benefits of my exercise routine and increase immunity to keep infections at bay.
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I have first-hand experience to what can weak muscles lead to and I had to work hard at the gym, make substantial changes in my eating habits to improve muscle strength in order to enhance my natural immunity. However, like I mentioned I had the guidance of experts at the right time. And while a reduction in muscle mass and strength is expected as you age; one can certainly modify its effects with a change in diet and lifestyle to enhance the functionality of the muscle and prevent too much of loss. Ensure from Abbott has helped my body in boosting immunity and strengthening my muscles to #EnsureStrongerInsideOut.
Are you over 35? Have you experienced fatigue, frequent bouts of illness, loss of stamina, numbness and tingling in arms or legs ? If you answered any of these in the affirmative there is a chance that there is some reduction in your muscle strength. Get an expert opinion and make sure you do not compromise on your body’s natural immune response due to weak muscles.
Also, do share the measures you take to increase muscle strength.
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Amazing web log and really fascinating stuff you bought here! I positively learned plenty from reading through a number of your earlier posts in addition and set to drop a discuss this one!
I’ve yet to check my muscle age and strength. Hoping for the best.
Thanks for this important and informative read.
I m surely taking this challenge, and step forward better muscle strength
Even i took this challenge from this post. I was shocked to see my muscle age is more than my age.
The muscle age test was an eye opener for a lot of us. It gave us food for thought and compelled us to take the right choices.
We often ignore muscle strength and just focus on exercise and nutrition. Good post.
I think this post is going to be very useful to more. Bookmarking it
I agree with you, Aesha, along with fitness and healthy diet we have to see that our muscles are as strong as we believe them to be. Ensure is a great way to strengthen them. I have also started taking Ensure to #EnsureStrongerInsideOut
An interesting and informative post! It is vital to keep fit and so many factors like exercise, supplements and a balanced diet work wonders. Thank you for sharing this post.
What you are spoken correspondence is thoroughly evident. I do realize that everybody should say a comparative factor, anyway I just expect that you essentially place it in an extremely strategy that everyone will see. I’m positive you may arrive at such a ton of people with what you\’ve to make reference to.
This is a very good way to test our muscle age test and know what best we can do to boost immunity and #EnsureStrongerInsideOut
Adequate protein intake together with strength training is of extreme importance for our health. I also took this test.
A very informative post. At my age, I have been advised to avoid doing strength training. But I make sure I exercise daily.
Strength training is what I looking to include in my routine can you share simple strength training exercises that we can do from home?
Yup. I can. Check out my latest post on you tube fitness channels. You can look for simpler workouts on these channels. All types of workouts are available.
Oh i am suffering from muscle loss forcsure after reading your article.
you’ve pointed out a very important thing which we all tend to neglect. regular exercise helps in gaining muscle strength and in turn stamina of our body.
Well-written as always, Aesha. I know how committed you are to health and fitness and truly appreciate it. Ensure is a supplement that we all need post 40.
Absolutely agree with the points you made. Strength training can go a long way. Specially relatable post since you shared from experience
This is a very informative post, Aesha filled with facts and also your personal experience which I find very inspiring. #MyFriendAlexa #TinasPicks
Thank you, Tina
Very very informagtive post . I agree with the point hat with the well balanced diet supplements are perfect combination to prevent muscle loss. I had alse undergone the test and was happy with the result.