hair care

How To Care For Your Hair This Summer

Summers are here. Temperatures are rising daily and now we can’t afford to forget wearing the sunscreen before we step out of the home in the scorching sun. I also always apply sunscreen and have become very particular about my daily skin care routine after I hit 38.

While we all tend to care a lot about skin during summers, we forget hair care. Have you thought about the effects of the sun on hair? I have a very dry hair type and scalp. And I keep complaining about it. However, when it comes to taking care of hair; I become lazy.

Effects of Summer Sun on hair:

  • There is high humidity in Mumbai during summers. So, when I moved to Mumbai a few years back, I observed that my hair becomes lifeless during summers. The high levels of humidity in the atmosphere settles on the hair and results in hair becoming limp. Generally, the humidity level increases during summers across the country but it’s too high in coastal areas and that affected my hair.
  • Sweat during summers also increases hair problems. Also during workouts, I would sweat a lot and my hair breakage issues increased during summers.
  • Summers also causes dryness of scalp and affects hair roots which in turn reduce hair growth.
  • Though I have never coloured my hair I have noticed my friends complaining that Hair colour fades away due to overexposure of sun rays during summers. Sometimes high temperatures tend to burn hair and it can turn brownish.
  • Hair gets greasy because of sweat and that makes us shampoo too often which reduces moisture in hair.

Now you see the effects of Summer Sun and I realized it too. That’s why this year I have decided to be more cautious and I am better prepared for the Summers.

Few Steps to Protect Hair in Summer


Though I want to shampoo my hair daily as I sweat a lot after a workout during summers but have realized that it dries off my hair more since I have very dry hair and scalp. So I now use a mild shampoo thrice a week.

Regular conditioning:

Regular conditioning help restore some moisture in hair during summers. Get one that suits your hair type. I am using the MamaEarth Argan Hair Mask for 4 months and it has bought life back to my lifeless hair.

Care during Swim:

Apply a leave-in Conditioner in hair during swim time as the Chlorinated water damages the hair.

Cover Hair:

Always wear a scarf or cover your hair with a cap/hat when you are out in the sun.

Hair products for sun protection:

If you do not like covering your hair all the time, use a leave-in conditioner with sunscreen. Choose a product based on your hair type. Also, remember to wash off hair once you are home. Choose a product which hydrates and moistures your hair.

Regular trimming:

During summers you can try new hairstyles to manage your hair. If you like long hair, opt for short trim so that you can remove split ends and bring life back to your hair.


Drink lots of water/fluids to keep yourself hydrated during summers. Even after taking proper care of hair, if your water intake is less then any of the hair care methods cannot protect your hair from damage during summers. Include as many fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet during summers so that hair stays nourished.

Avoid cosmetic treatments:

Avoid chemical hair treatments during summers. Also, avoid too much colouring.

Avoid Heat:

During summers your hair is already exposed to too much heat so try and avoid blow drying your hair too often. Avoid using styling iron and curlers too. Try the natural look this summer.

Night hair care routine:

As night skin care routine is critical in restoring moisture same applies for the hair as well. You can use a leave-in conditioner and apply it to the dry and frizzy hair areas. Wrap a plastic cover or towel around your hair and sleep. This provides hydration to hair and the frizz due to dryness will be gone by morning.


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I hope these tips help you maintain your hair this summer. Try to be regular and continue with hair care products that best suits you to effective results.

Do share your hair care tips for summers in the comments.

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4 thoughts on “How To Care For Your Hair This Summer”

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