My Inspiration- “Stay At Home Moms”

When I began thinking about writing my views on which mom really inspires me my both mothers came foremost. They have been the most inspirational women in my life. My mother  who worked relentlessly for 23 years to give me a wonderful childhood, best education and gained immense respect for herself and lots of accolades for her school as a principal and gave it all up to move to a  different city at the age of 52 to support my father in his career and my mother in law who lost her husband at the age of 48 and started working for the first time in her life to give her children a comfortable life so that they would never feel an absence of their father if not emotionally but at least financially. But I have already written about them about which you can read in the links below:

So I decided to write about a famous inspirational mother who has made of mark for herself in world who influenced me in many ways. But again many women have been inspirational, like Indra Nooyi, Kiran Bedi and Mary Kom.

When Indra Nooyi the second most powerful woman in the world said, “A woman can’t have it all”, it stirred lot of debate on social media. However I felt that it requires a lot of courage to accept that she believes that she is not a successful mother and as compared to being a successful corporate leader. This was a time when I was feeling very low on self-esteem having being a stay at home mom and after reading her interview it gave me a re-assurance that being at home doesn’t mean you have failed in your life. It gave me the courage to start working from home and more importantly it gave me the much needed self confidence.

Kiran Bedi has been an inspiration to numerous women and I am one of them. I have always been in awe of her since a very young age, for the way in which she has lived her life. I learned to be brave from her. Be any situation stay your ground, believe in yourself and be brave!

Mary Kom is a huge inspiration for athletes and women. Though I was influenced by her only after watching Priyanka Chopra portray her on screen, however her life story inspired me a lot. I learnt to give importance to physical and mental fitness. Mary Kom taught me an important parenting lesson and that was being a mentally fit and strong mother. I learnt that I need to be an emotionally strong person to be a better parent to my daughter.

So many famous mothers have been inspirational but again I wasn’t completely satisfied that these famous people have been the only inspirational mothers for me.

I have been inspired a lot by fellow blogger mothers whose articles I read and imbibe something about parenting from them. Here I would like to make a special mention to a very dear blogger friend Akshata Ramesh. When I got to know that she is a chartered accountant by profession, has a toddler daughter, a demanding corporate job, yet she has amazing way with words and writes regularly on various parenting platforms, other sites and her personal blog; I can’t express in words how much she has inspired me to write. Though she has been always modest about it but I am sure that there are many other mothers who also are inspired by her after reading her articles. For the ones who haven’t read her articles (which is highly unlikely given her popularity on mycity4kids); I will share the link one of mine most favourite articles that she has written here.

While writing this article, I am thinking of sharing my most honest views and all the mothers I mentioned about until now , have greatly influenced me at some stage in my life but because we are writing about “Momspiration” this “Mother’s Day” ; I would like to dedicate this article to all the “Stay-at-home moms” like me. Some stay at home by choice, some due to family responsibilities and some by force. I think it is difficult to be so self-less. I know it is debatable when a woman gives importance to other’s choices before her own, I personally also don’t believe in being subservient to someone but I would also like to acknowledge the level of tolerance and selflessness that they impersonate.

So my #Momspiration this “Mother’s Day” are all the stay at home moms for whatever reason that made them make that choice! Kudos to all of you!

Happy Mother’s Day!

This post was originally published on for “Mother’s Day” based on the theme #momspiration.


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