writers block

What Are The Ways To Beat The Writer’s Block

The past week has been exciting but extremely hectic as well. I had to attend a blogger meet, had social engagements, had work deadlines to meet, I was participating in blog trains and had also signed up for a daily writing challenge.

So, I had to write a lot. There were days this week where I wrote two blog posts in a day. Then one day – Enter the Writer’s Block. I kept staring at the laptop but couldn’t write a single word. Thankfully it didn’t last long, just for a day and I am making up to it right now, writing this blog post for the picture prompt.


It happens with every writer and there isn’t any concrete solution. Sometimes the block lasts for a day and sometimes it would be more.

So, I wanted to list things that work for me whenever I face a writer’s block.

  1. Listen to music. I start playing my favourite playlist.
  2. Go for a walk.
  3. Just sit near my bedroom window observing the people around.
  4. Watch television. Sometimes the idiot box does help to de-clutter my thoughts. This always works.
  5. Write in my journal.
  6. Meet my friends or call them just for random chit chat. Sometimes I also discuss blogging and they give me ideas to write.
  7. Read inspirational quotes.
  8. Compile a blog post on inspirational quotes.
  9. Once when I was facing a writer’s block I compiled 50 Lifestyle Blog Post Ideas You Will Love. This is one of the most popular blog posts on my site.

Also, I have realized that indulging in self -pity or procrastinating makes matters worse but what works the most is to write. So, I guess the best way to beat Writer’s Block is to write.

What do you think?


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Let me know if this list helped you and do add something that worked for you in comments.

Do visit the writer duo Meenal & Sonal’s blog Aura Of Thoughts, Princy’s blog Clanpedia for her post on the Week 4 picture prompts.

This post is a part of Momology blog train hosted by Thoughts by Geethica, SlimexpectationsMummasaurus and Truly Yours Roma sponsored by FirstCry Intellikit, Instacuppa, Diet Funda, Hugs n tugs, Tina Basu, Unorthodoxpeeps, Lotus Herbals baby and Shumee toys.


21 thoughts on “What Are The Ways To Beat The Writer’s Block”

  1. Procrastination is the biggest enemy!! In the past and even now I have many post ideas but procrastination pulls me down and gives me the writer’s/blogger’s block! The funny thing is that I wrote about how to “Unblock” blogger’s block some time ago and I still have it 😉

  2. Lovely cool list Aesha ji. I usually start writing about what I like and slowly i realise that the words are flowing. Will try your methods too.

    #MyFriendAlexa #Jokerophilia

  3. Writer’s block hits everyone. I agree that one cannot take it to heart and distract our mind towards some other productive thing until the words start flowing. Going for a walk is a good idea.

  4. Pingback: 2019- How it's shaping up! - Aesha's Musings

  5. Writer’s block is faced by many of us, but my mantra is to look for surroundings as you have mentioned in one of your pointers. We have written from Book perspective to Roti too :))


    1. The best way to overcome my writer’s block is to pick up the pen and just write…anytime anything. Writing quotes is what I enjoy the most.

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