vitamin c role in immunity

Role Of Vitamin C In Sustaining Immunity

Role of Vitamin C in sustaining immunity


Awareness around health has increased manifold. People have been consciously planning their daily routine to devote time to exercise. When I talk to my friends and relatives, I notice that conversations regarding diet planning, mindful eating and supplement inclusion in diets to improve their overall health have increased as well.


During one such conversation with my cousin who is a certified dietician and nutritionist, I got to know about the importance of including food rich in Vitamin C in our daily diet. She emphasized the role of Vitamin C in building immunity.


Requirement of Vitamin C:[1]


Vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin which humans are unable to synthesize directly. So, it is an essential dietary component. It can be added to our daily diet by including foods that naturally contain the vitamin or through Vitamin C tablets like Limcee Vitamin C Chewable Tablets 500mg as prescribed by your physician.


Benefits of Vitamin C:


  • Vitamin C aids in healing wounds.[2]
  • Regular intake of Vitamin C helps to maintain healthy bones, teeth and skin.[3]
  • Vitamin C can help improve the absorption of iron from the diet.[4]


Sources Of Vitamin C:


Fruits and vegetables are the best source of Vitamin C.[5]


  • Citrus fruits such as oranges, amla, lemon, and grapefruit
  • Other fruits like kiwi, strawberries, and guavas
  • Vegetables such as green and red bell peppers, tomatoes, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, brussels sprouts, and kale
  • Herbs like thyme, parsley


Here’s a cooking tip for you: Vitamin C in food can be destroyed by cooking the food for a long time or cooking on high heat. Since it is water soluble it can also seep into the water used while cooking so one should use little water while cooking to preserve the vitamin.[6]


Final thoughts:


Vitamin C not only helps in sustaining immunity, but is also an essential vitamin to maintain overall health of your body.[7] My doctor has prescribed Limcee Vitamin C Chewable Tablets 500mg to supplement Vitamin C intake in my body. This is how I plan to #BoostImmunityWithLimcee.


How are you ensuring that you’re adding the right sources of Vitamin C in your diet? Do check with your doctor and take corrective measures soon as recommended by them.





The views expressed in these blog contents are independent views solely of the blogger based on their personal experience, research and due diligence on the product referred. The content herein is sponsored by Abbott Healthcare Private Limited (Abbott) for product information purposes, intended for Indian residents only. It does not replace the advice of a physician, nor is a recommendation or endorsement by Abbott. Advice of a qualified physician should be sought for understanding suitability of the referred product before consuming, for diagnosis and before starting any medication, exercise and diet. Please discuss your existing medical conditions and medical history with your physician.

The content does not necessarily reflect the views of Abbott or its affiliates. Although greatest possible care has been taken in compiling, checking and developing the content to ensure that it is accurate and complete, Abbott is not responsible or in any way liable for any injury or damage to any persons in view of reliance placed on or action taken basis of the information herein, or any errors, omissions or inaccuracies and/or incompleteness of the information.










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47 thoughts on “Role Of Vitamin C In Sustaining Immunity”

  1. those around me often joke that I’ll never have Vitamin C deficiency because I love sour foods so much 😛
    I feel so good after reading this, because I’m taking in all the sources of Vitamin C mentioned here

  2. We were recommended by our doctor to take Vitamin C when we got Covid. It helped us in recovering faster. We have continued the practice of taking the supplement daily since then

  3. This is very informative post. I take Limcee but had no idea about amount of Vitamin C in it. And the benefits of Vitamin C have been learnt by us in the hardest way possible.

  4. Vitamin C is indeed an important nutrient in our diet to build immunity. And thanks for sharing the cooking tip!!

  5. Of course, Vitamin C is important in our daily nutrition intake. Limcee has always been our favorite as a family. Thank you for the tips.

  6. My entire family has been having limcee since the pandemic was declared. We even got kairi flavoured tablets whem regular limcee was out of stock. It was easy for my daughter and my parents and in laws to chew.

  7. I guess Covid times made us all aware of the importance of Vitamin C. Though we do get it from natural sources, most times its not sufficient for our body requirement. And at such times these tablets are a huge saviour! Good post Aesha

  8. Most people feel that Vitamin C is only oranges. But actually there are so many vegetables and fruits with Vitamin C. Good to know a out the various sources and how we can use it to improve our immunity.

  9. Very true. Wherever season is changing or we are planning to travel to colder places, we make sure to up our vitamin C levels by taking Limcee so as to ready our body to take the change. Its tastes so good, both my kids infact really love to suck on them 😉

  10. I also take Limcee tablets on a regular basis. They taste superb and I feel my mood uplifts instantly after taking them.

  11. I feel Vitamin C and D is what has kept my family safe till now. Touchwood. Builds a lot of immunity so I completely agree.

  12. I am quite averse to taking supplements but do include ample sources of Vitamin C in my diet. It is excellent for boosting immunity.

  13. Vitamin C is directly linked with immunity. Even my doctor has advised me to take Limcee 500mg daily.

  14. Noor Anand Chawla

    Great tips to ensure that we consume and make the most of this wonderful natural health source!

    1. I totally agree vitamin C is one of the most vital nutrients our body needs and it is really advisable to take supplements like Limcee for the same if the need be

  15. Importance of Vit C we all have seen during Covid time and hence the role of Vit C for Immunity boosting is now well understood. Definitely we should include source of Vit C in our daily diet.

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