travel blog post ideas

25 Interesting Travel Blog Post Ideas

I haven’t written many travel blog posts so I was very excited to participate in the ‘SpeakEasy Blogging Challenge’ with travel as the theme. I was undecided if I should write about my solo trip or my girls’ trip. I was confused about whether to share my experiences of the group trips I took with my friends while I was in college or my most luxurious & expensive trip. I went down memory lane and got lost while going through the pictures of my trips to choose the topic to write on. It became difficult to choose one and also it made me unhappy that we are unable to travel currently.

But rather than being sad, I decided to prepare a listicle of blog ideas for a travel post with the hope that we will soon freely travel to any destination.

So here is a list of 25 Travel Blog Post Ideas. I am going to use some for the future and some of you can choose one for the challenge as well.

  1. How to Plan for a Solo Trip
  2. Best Travel Destinations for a Solo Trip
  3. Things to Do on An Only Girls Trip
  4. On my Travel Bucket List
  5. Funniest Travel Experience
  6. Scariest Travel Experience
  7. How to plan a trip on a tight budget
  8. How To plan a budget for an international trip
  9. How To create a travel fund for the future
  10. The most useful travel apps
  11. List of favourite travel quotes
  12. The most hilarious travel memes
  13. Most Favourite Travel Book
  14. Iconic Bookstores to visit during your travel from across the world
  15. Favourite Travel Souvenir
  16. Best Road trip Ideas
  17. Step by step guide to planning a road trip
  18. Step by step guide to planning your first international trip
  19. Playlist for a long flight
  20. List of beauty products to carry on a trip
  21. How to pack light for a trip
  22. Travelling Tips for Children travelling alone
  23. How to deal with the disappointment of a cancelled trip
  24. How to explain a cancelled trip to kids
  25. The first trip you’ll take once its safe to travel post-COVID. (I am going to visit my parents whom I haven’t met since over a year now) What about you? Do share in the comments.

travel blog post ideas


I hope you find this list useful and helpful. You can also check out 50 Lifestyle Blog Post Ideas You Will Love

Looking forward to reading many interesting travel posts during this challenge. And I hope soon we are again free to travel without fear and make more memories with our family and friends.

This blog post is part of SpeakEasy Blogging Challenge by Dipika and Ruchi.’

41 thoughts on “25 Interesting Travel Blog Post Ideas”

  1. This is quite insightful post! Loved all the ideas and definitely going to implement some. Thankyou for this informative writeup.

  2. Such great topics roof to write on travel. I would lobe to come back to this blog to pick a topic for the next time I wana write on travel again. We are waiting to meet my in-laws too since they are managing alone during this pandemic.

  3. Aesha, this post is a gold for all of us who are planning to write on travel for the blogathon. Some of the topics are very very interesting and I thought about it too. Like you I am also waiting to see my parents. I so miss seeing them.

  4. This is a masterlist of all one can think of for travel prompts. I am going to bookmark it and also looking forward to posts from you on these. 🙂

  5. I love lists, and you have a good list of travel topics that I would like to read. Id definitely love to read (& preferably go along with you on that trip to bookstores).

  6. Oh wow, this is a super helpful post, Aesha. I always struggle with travel post ideas, thanks for sharing these creative ideas, will be surely using some of these now.

  7. Thats such a helpful post Aesha. i have not been much into travel due to health reasons and kids being small. But yes these ideas make me crave to explore some bit of it in reality once things normalise.

  8. Wow what a wonderful check list presented by you Aesha, I was struggling to pick one particular topic and you have Prepared a stock of it, very helpful for many of us.

  9. Hey Aesha, this is such an informative post. I am yet to draft and now I am thinking to take help from this. Well, I liked the idea of browsing iconic bookstores at your ravel destinations

  10. Wow! So many ideas to write a travel post:)
    I was clueless before signing up for this challenge but your list gave me an abundance of suggestions ?

  11. Wow.This is such a unique post.The very idea of coming up with ideas is quite a refreshing thought in itself. I need to read the post under Point 23. As I highly get affected when a planned trip is cancelled.

  12. Aww such lovely post. You give so many ideas for travel bloggers. Solo trip is on my bucket list. Though I am scared to travel alone and that is why I want to experience this.

  13. Wow that is an elaborate list of ideas for the travel bloggers. im sure they were benefit from your post. I have written on a few of the above pointers but i am always with family or friends so the experiences are limited.

  14. Dr. Surbhi Prapanna

    loved the post Aesha. though i am not much in travel theme writing but after reading your post, feeling inspired to write travel posts. loved all the ideas. yes like you, i also want to plan my India visit soon to meet my parents. it is more than 1 year and I am feeling restless to meet them in a person.

    1. Yes, I am also going to read more about the World’s popular bookstores and write a blog post on it soon. While researching for this post, I already have ‘Shakespeare and company’ at Paris & ‘Libreria Acqua Alta, Venice on my bucket list.

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