
Show The Love, Save A School #HelpMithuSaveSchool

I might not be teaching in a school now but I will always be a passionate teacher by heart.

When Damyanti introduced me to Project Why , I started following the various initiatives by the organisation. That’s when I got to know about a passionate teacher – Mithu.

Mithu lost his legs to Polio as a kid. He was a student at Project Why Okhla Centre which runs after-school support for 350 children from the nearby underprivileged communities. This centre was established 14 years ago, at the site of a dustbin.

Though Mithu was never interested in formal education, he developed a liking for computers. Today Mithu teaches computers to the children at the centre. He is very passionate about making difference in the lives of these children. This is a way of giving back to the school which made him self-reliant in spite of the physical disability.

After learning about Mithu, I wanted to support the cause of saving the Project Why Okhla Centre.

Yes, the centre which is making learning possible for children since years is about to lose its funding and might shut down.

The Okhla Centre has many other heroes like Mithu, who have been working relentlessly for years to provide learning opportunities to children.

Sophiya and Pushpa who set up the Okhla Centre, Naresh – the math teacher who never lets a child down, need your support.

Kids at Okhla Centre, Project Why

I am sure after reading about these teachers, you would want to spread their love for learning and teaching by helping them save their school.

Show The Love, Save A School

'Flowers last a week, learning is a lifelong gift'. Click To Tweet

This Valentine Week, do join us to help save a school which made a difference in the lives of many children.

If you are a fellow blogger please consider joining the Valentine’s Day Blogathon.


You can support the #HelpMithuSaveSchool Fundraiser to save the Okhla school HERE

7 thoughts on “Show The Love, Save A School #HelpMithuSaveSchool”

  1. Pingback: Anous' blog With a little help from my friends #GivingTuesday#HelpMithuSaveSchool - Project Why

  2. Thankyou so much, Aesha!

    These teachers at Project WHY are truly inspirational, and Mithu, I’m in awe of.

    I’m so happy to see so much love for him in the blogiverse.

    1. Thanks to you Damyanti. This is the least I can do. I will feel it’s my personal victory If my blog is of any help to save the school.

  3. Thank you so much for sharing Mithu story and helping us save this school. The teachers are inspiration to one and all. They have taught me so much. I feel humbled and blessed

    1. It’s my privilege, Anou di to share Mithu’s story. I hope we can save the school. we have to do this for the children. Education is their right.

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