
U Is For Unique #DecodingMidlife

Unique – Being the only one of its kind; unlike anything else.

Our beliefs, our temperament, thoughts, behaviour make our personality. Each one has a different personality. Everyone is unique in their own way.

However, midlife can be overwhelming. And it would want us to question our sense of self. There could be feelings of increased negativity. There would a myriad of emotions which one would be unable to comprehend.

But I have also read that midlife crises or the changes during midlife can also lead to unanticipated positive consequences. And I can somewhere resonate it with it too. While there could be a feeling of uncertainty as one approaches midlife but there is also a hope that something is changing in life for the better.  One may gain a stronger sense of self and find an increased motivation to accomplish goalsG Is For Goals #DecodingMidlife

I believe this depends a lot on one’s personality and on how one approaches changes in one’s life.

To look at midlife and the transitions therein with positivity, it’s very important to believe in one’s uniqueness.

One needs to accept their unique ways and not try and fit into a label. Due to lack of self-confidence and belief in oneself people during their midlife, fail to accept their unique traits. Before losing control of life during the crises, one needs to embrace everything that makes them different to stay happy.

Most importantly there has to be a willingness to be yourself. Most people are not willing to show their true personality or share their beliefs. To live a passionate and satisfying life, embrace your uniqueness. Don’t shy away from the world to share your unique traits. Flaunt them.

Your perceptions make you unique. The manner in which you look at life is not similar to anyone else. How you think and approach life makes you unique. So, while you might try to fit in the society, yet you are unique. Or you might try to stand out and be unique.

Everyone has unique life experiences. Your day to day experiences as well as your experiences throughout your life makes you unique. Gain insights from your life experiences to stay a positive person during midlife crises.

Your creativity also makes you unique. Everyone is creative in some way. Enhance your unique creative skills. It helps a lot during times when you feel low on self -esteem.

To sum it up, I would like to say that dodge the negativity of midlife by being yourself, being Unique.

“You are unique. There has never been another you and never will be.

So, make the best of yourself.”

  • Olianna Portnoy


16 thoughts on “U Is For Unique #DecodingMidlife”

  1. Pingback: X Is For X-Factor #Decoding Midlife - Aesha's Musings

  2. Midlife is usually seen in a negative light wth the word crusts attached to it. Good to see you embracing the positive aspects of this phase too. I’ve also realized that as I’m growing older I’m more accepting of myself as I am

  3. Every one of us is unique on this earth. But often we realize this very late. You said it correct, If you are positive and love yourself then it becomes very easy to accept that uniqueness.

  4. Perfectly knowing imperfections and still being OK with it is, I feel being unique! Recently read a quote that said be yourself, every one else is taken!
    Appreciate your positive outlook Aesha which is so missing as one is about complete 4 decades of existence on the Earth. Keep this thought young in your heart and never let it grow old!

  5. I think most of us shun our uniqueness and try to fit in. It takes a lot of courage, some wisdom and encouragement from your near ones to accept and get to a stage where you flaunt your uniqueness. Its taken me a fair bit of time but I am at a stage where I can proudly say “I am different but proud of the way I am “.

    1. True Akshata. I have also stopped caring about what others are doing or what they expect out of me. I just want to be myself now.

  6. In my early thirties, I would go out of my way to fit in the crowd, try to be a people pleaser. But, of late, I have started realizing that I am different, if people don’t like me, well, too bad for them. Because this is how I am, accept me as I am. I have started loving myself – I guess that is very important – self love. I have started rejoicing in my uniqueness. 🙂

  7. Everyone is unique from the others in a different way. Some come out of the shell and make a difference while most remain hidden. Accepting the flaws is also unique. Not everyone does that.

    1. You made such an important point. Indeed . It’s difficult to accept flaws and that makes one very unique.

  8. I wish it were easy for most people to accept that they are unique with their flaws as well as their talents. Richness of life and experiences is something that only you can have and no one, not even a sibling who was brought up in same environment will have. Very unique post Aesha 🙂

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