Z Is for Zumba
I haven’t tried Zumba before. I am planning to try a Zumba workout today. I like to dance and have tried dance aerobics years back. I am not sure if it is similar but around 12 years back, I had joined an aerobics class and we had dance aerobics once a week every Thursday. I enjoyed that a lot and never missed a Thursday class. Mishti was born that year, so there were times I had to miss the gym but I always managed on a Thursday.
So, today I am going to try Zumba for the first time. And I think that will be able to relive the moments of my class again. And experience the same kind of joy.
Participating in this year’s BlogchatterA2Z challenge has been very significant to me. It has kept me mentally calm throughout the catastrophe that we are going through right now. Because of the challenge, I was successful in looking beyond the grief and pain. I was able to accept that life has be to lived in the moment. I need to be grateful for the bundles of joy that I am bestowed with. I have to manifest abundance and peace in my life. Acceptance that grief, anger, sadness are also emotions that we shouldn’t restrain from experiencing.
Everyday throughout the month of April, I shared with you the tiny bits of my life. I shared with you about the things and experiences that gave me joy. And I trust Zumba will also give me similar joy. So, Z is For Zumba. I will let you all know my experience with Zumba.
There is some kind of excitement of scheduling the A2Z posts at 12:00 midnight , which I wasn’t able to keep up with this year. But I had to complete the challenge in style so I am doing that with this post. It was very difficult this year but I did it.
Z is for Zest, Z is for Zeal as well.
I am participating in #BlogchatterA2Z .
To read what else gives my joy click on :
A Is For A Game Of Badminton, B Is For Breathing
C Is For Create , D Is For Dark Chocolates
E Is For Exercise, F Is For Female Friendships
G Is For Gazing At The Night Sky, H Is For Heart To Heart Chat
I Is For Ideas That Bring Joy In Everyday Life
J Is For Join A Course, K Is For Keep A Diary
L Is For Learn, M Is For Make A List
N Is For Netflix, O Is For Organising
P Is For Pamper, Q Is For Quotes
R Is For Reading Daily, S Is For Solitude
T Is For Trekking Trip , U Is For Unplug
V Is For Vulnerable, W Is For Watching The Sun Rise
X Is For Xyst , Y Is For Yogic Practices
I love zumba. I feel the energy in infectious and it sure brings in a lot of dopamine rush!
I enjoyed it as well.
I agree with you. A2Z blogging challenge has helped us sail through the pandemic in April.
Join Zumba and feel relaxed because such collective activities are necessary to deal with the situation.
I’ve enjoyed reading your positive posts and feel a strange connect with you now. We’re alike in many ways. No kidding, Zumba was in my plan and I had enrolled for classes too. Sadly, the lockdown shut them down indefinitely.
May you can add zeal and zest to your new endeavor, Zumba. Though I like aerobics more, but Zumba is fun too.
Congratulations on the completion of your super cute series. Best wishes.
This challenge surely helped us in being calm and be zealous for something everyday. Loved reading your posts.
Good luck for Zumba.
I enjoy Zumba. I am sure you will have a great time too.
I am a big fan of zumba even though i cannot dance but the repetitive movements make a great way for exercise
Lovely reading your posts. Best wishes
Deepika Sharma
Could resonate with most of your thoughts about A2Z
Yes dear A2Z has kept us busy and creatively engaged all through out this month. and also help in managing our pandemic anxiety. I had heard a lot about Zumba benefits but never try it for myself. would love to know your experience about the same.